Revegetation projects
We provide consultancy and project management services for the planning, establishment and long-term success of revegetation projects.
We can assess and plan suitable planting projects based on proper stakeholder collaboration, the latest scientific research and practical on-ground application that meet the goals of the client.
We can provide site assessments, stakeholder discussions, project proposal plans and quotes for the on-ground work to be done to make your vision a success.
Seed Collection services
We collect seed from wild seed sources from high quality ecosystems often in remote locations that can be used for nursery propagation and for sale on the seed market.
We select local provenance seed due to their adaptation to the local conditions which increases the long-term success of revegetation projects.
We also consider the inclusion of the genetic diversity from seed sources of other carefully selected locations which may provide the required genetic traits for survival as climate change alters the local conditions of the revegetation project.
Our team have the expertise to locate, harvest and process seed from many different native species and can tailor our collection services to your targets and needs.